Earn Rewards Online – Free E-bOOk

A free e-book presenting methods, methods, ideas, tips and information on earning/winning rewards for performing simple activities online. The guide describes 4 popular methods that will help you gain additional benefits from completed tasks in a pleasant and easy way. The available rewards include gift cards, virtual payment cards, withdrawal of funds to the selected account/payment processor, virtual in-game currencies and much more.

And it’s all completely free! Registration on each of the recommended websites is extremely simple and intuitive. To create an account, all you need is a device with Internet access and an active e-mail address to which you will receive a link confirming account registration. Simple, right? 5 minutes and ready! You can start your adventure with completing tasks online!

The guide presents as many as 6 recommended and very popular platforms that offer a wide selection of available tasks, such as:
– completing surveys,
– performing simple actions (e.g. liking a photo, watching a short video, following a profile on social media, etc.),
– performing tasks in online games (e.g. reaching the appropriate level, completing a mission or task),
– testing mobile and stationary applications

Remember this is not a job! Earning rewards by performing the above activities does not constitute work, but only an additional activity – you can do it wherever you want, when you want and however you want. You choose the activities you want to do yourself.
Each task has different rates that you can receive for completing it – from a few dozen groszy to several hundred zlotys. Depending on your commitment – the actual amount you can earn by completing tasks is several hundred zlotys per month – and all this in an easy and pleasant way.
Do you like to spend a lot of time on your phone? Do you have a lot of free time and don’t know how to use it? Do you like playing games and completing surveys? There is a way to make all this work for you!