Privacy Policy

Dear User

Personal Data Administrator

Rafał Kamiński, 21500 Biała Podlaska, Słowicza 10, Lubelskie, Poland, email:, phone: +48 734 716 814

If you want to contact us regarding our processing of your personal data, please write to us at the following e-mail address:

Your Rights

Depending on the law that applies, you may have a right to access and rectify or erase your personal data or receive a copy of your personal data, restrict or object to the active processing of your data, ask us to share (port) your personal information to another entity, withdraw any consent you provided to us to process your data, a right to lodge a complaint with a statutory authority and such other rights as may be relevant under applicable laws.

Do note that if you do not allow us to collect or process the required personal information or withdraw the consent to process the same for the required purposes, you may not be able to access or use the services for which your information was sought.

Please contact us if you would like to access your rights. You can object to our use of cookies (read more about them below) via our dedicated settings tool.

If you find that your data is unlawful, you can submit a complaint to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

You are entitled to an alternative right:

  • access to your personal data, including obtaining access to data (Article 15 of the GDPR or, if applicable, Article 13(1)(f) of the GDPR),
  • rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR),
  • deletion (Article 17 of the GDPR),
  • restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR),
  • required data to another administrator (Article 20 of the GDPR).
    And also the law:
  • a request that was made in the face of an objection to your data:
    • for reasons related to the attached data – regarding the processing of personal data, including Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR (i.e. based on our legitimate interests), including profiling (Article 21(1) of the GDPR);
    • Personal data are used for direct marketing, including profiling, to the extent that there is a risk of such marketing (Article 21(2) of the GDPR).

Personal Informations and Privacy

Below you will find detailed information on the processing of your data depending on the activities you undertake.

  • Using the free services offered on the Website:
    • Purpose: implementation of the contract for the provision of services offered on the Website
    • How long: For the duration of the contract. Moreover, your data will be processed until the expiry of the period in which claims can be pursued – by you or us.
    • What happens if you don’t provide your data: You will not be able to use our services.
  • Contacting us:
    • Purpose: Handling your inquiries or reports.
    • How long: Until the expiry of the period for pursuing claims – see the last table of this section – or until we accept your objection to processing. Moreover, your data will be processed until the expiry of the period in which claims can be pursued – by you or us.
    • What happens if you don’t provide your data: We will not be able to respond to your inquiry or report.
  • Browser settings or other similar action enabling analytical activities:
    • Purpose: Analyzing how you use and navigate the Website in order to improve its functionality.
    • How long: Until the cookies used for analytical purposes expire or are deleted.
    • What happens if you don’t provide your data: We will not take into account how you use and navigate the Website when working on its development.
  • You consent to receiving marketing content from us (e.g. information about special offers):
    • Purpose: Sending marketing information, especially special offers, analyzing the effectiveness of the messages we send, in order to establish general principles for the effective sending of messages in our business.
    • How long: Until you withdraw your consent – remember, you can withdraw your consent at any time. Data processing remains lawful until you withdraw your consent. Moreover, your data will be processed until the expiry of the period in which claims can be pursued – by you or us.
    • What happens if you don’t provide your data: You will not receive our marketing materials, including information about our special offers.
  • Taking action or omission that may give rise to claims related to the Website or our services:
    • Purpose: Determining, pursuing or defending any claims related to the concluded contract or the services provided.
    • How long: Until the limitation period for claims expires or until we accept your objection to processing.
    • What happens if you don’t provide your data: Inability to establish, pursue or defend claims.


As part of the Website, we perform profiling – this will take place in relation to you if you allow such activities. This profiling involves automatic assessment of what products or services you may be interested in, using information about the content you display. Thanks to this, advertisements for products or services displayed within the online services you use will be more tailored to you and your needs. The profiling we perform does not result in decisions that produce legal effects for you or affect you in a similarly significant way.


We conduct analytical activities on the Website’s website to make it more intuitive and accessible – this will only apply to you if you allow such activities. As part of the analysis, we will take into account the way you navigate the Website – e.g. how much time you spend on a given subpage or which places on the Website you click on. Thanks to this, while working on the development of the Website, we will be able to optimize its layout, appearance and content posted therein, so as to improve its functionality.

In addition, if you express your will to receive marketing messages from us, we may analyze the effectiveness of our shipment. For example, we can check whether and how it influenced the activity on our Website. Such activities will help us establish general rules for sending this type of messages in our business – e.g. regarding optimal sending hours or how to formulate effective content.


When processing your personal data, we use organizational and technical measures in accordance with applicable law, including encryption of the connection using an SSL/TLS certificate.

Third Party Links & Use Of Your Information:

Our Website may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the privacy policies or other practices of any third parties, including any third parties operating any website or service that you may access through a link on the Service. We strongly advise you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.


  • Our Website, like most websites, uses the so-called cookies (cookies). These files:
    • are saved in the memory of your device (computer, phone, etc.);
    • they do not change the settings of your device.
  • On this Website, cookies are used for the following purposes:
    • statistics/analytics;
    • marketing;
    • data collection and process;
    • providing functions of the Website;
    • remembering your session.
  • To learn how to manage cookies, including how to disable them in your browser, you can use your browser’s help file. You can read information about this by pressing the F1 key in your browser. Additionally, you will find relevant tips on the following subpages, depending on the browser you are using:
  • Cookies will not be processed by us for longer than 2 years from the last visit to the Website.
  • By using the appropriate options of your browser, you can at any time:
    • delete cookies;
    • block the use of cookies in the future.
  • In such cases, we will no longer process it.

External services / Data recipients

We use the services of external entities that support us in running the website. Below you will find a list of recipients of your data:

  • Data Recipients:
    • hosting provider;
  • Action:
    • any action in connection with the Website
  • Transfer of Data outside the European Union:
    • no
  • Data Recipients:
    • software provider for running a website
  • Action:
    • any action in connection with the Website
  • Transfer of Data outside the European Union:
    • yes – United States of America**
  • Data Recipients:
    • entity providing marketing services
  • Action:
    • being on a website with settings allowing marketing activities
  • Transfer of Data outside the European Union:
    • yes – United States of America**
  • Data Recipients:
    • entity enabling analytical activities on the website
  • Action:
    • staying on a website with settings allowing analytical activities
  • Transfer of Data outside the European Union:
    • yes – United States of America**
  • Data Recipients:
    • supplier of standard office software (including e-mail boxes)
  • Action:
    • contacting us
  • Transfer of Data outside the European Union:
    • yes – United States of America**
  • and relevant public authorities to the extent that we are obliged to provide them with data.

Transferring personal data to countries outside the European Union

** Due to the above, your personal data may also be processed by entities outside the European Union. The appropriate level of protection of your data, including the use of appropriate security measures, ensures:

  • participation of these entities in the so-called Data Privacy Framework, i.e. a program established by an implementing decision of the European Commission as a set of rules guaranteeing adequate protection of your privacy – in the case of entities from the United States of America